Let it be said.
I hate pictures of my mug. I have a very round face and a lazy eye, and I usually look like a cross between Mama June and Amanda Byrnes on a bad day in pictures. When I was in college (and when I'm drunk) I start making kissy-faces, or giving the camera the bird, thinking it's cute – and let me tell you, it's not. For further reading, please see my facebook profile.
So imagine my surprise when I actually LIKED the shots an old friend and photographer, Cyn Kain, took a few weeks ago for the back cover of my book. While I'd like to think I'm too sexy for the camera, I know it was Cynthia's incredible talent that made these pictures work. Cyn and I go way back – we grew up in the same neighborhood – and though we'd lost touch over the years, I'd seen her work while planning my wedding a few years ago.
Though my picture on the back of my book will be about the size of a postage stamp, I knew I wanted something better than Mama June. So I emailed Cynthia and right off the bat we hit it off. Per Cyn's recommendation, I got dolled up by the fabulous Lindsey Regan Thorne before Cyn came to my house later that afternoon for the “shoot.”
Lovers, let me tell you. Cyn's no joke. She took several awesome shots, but this is my favorite – think this will be the one on the back cover (you can also see it in the ‘About' section of this site). What say you, friends?
Watch out, Mama JuneWhile the primary purpose of the shoot was to take pictures for the book jacket, I also had Cynthia take some pictures of my creative lair – my muse, my place of worship, my favorite room in the house.
This is where I write about sex.
When we moved into our house about a year and a half ago, I was beyond excited that I would have a Room of my Own (Virginia, I try to make you proud) in which to write. I worked with dear friend (and future in-law!) Janice Travis to put together a space that was at once feminine, sexy, and comfortable. Janice immediately came up with the idea of a “Jewel Box”, which I loved, of course, as I'd just completed writing THE GENTLEMAN JEWEL THIEF; she found that awesome Spanish Tile wallpaper, and we just went from there.
Janice, You Are A Genius
Mr. Peterson had our feature in Charleston Weddings framed, and gave it to me as a first anniversary present. We hung it between the two front-facing windows that provide some pretty lovely light in the mornings.
Damn, Mr. P., You're Good
Of course I must keep my books around me as I write. I curated a selection of favorites new and old for the photo shoot (see Bee's RIVER OF NO RETURN, which I wrote about in my previous post). It's my dream to one day have a library with lacquered shelves, an enormous fireplace, and a wine fridge, but until that day arrives, I'm happy to have piles of paperbacks at my feet.
Hello, Lovelies
A bulletin board, on which I pin pictures of random, deliciously handsome bearded men, and tokens from our travels.
Because I'm 12 Again
Janice and I found this AMAZING Oscar de la Renta Pagoda Bar Cabinet at a clearance sale a few years ago. It was in pretty rough shape when we found it, but after a little TLC, this baby shone. Not too long ago I saw it in ELLE DECOR with a list price of over $10,000 (!!!!) – trust, I didn't pay even CLOSE to that – but just goes to show you that a good eye (or an expert one, like Janice's) and knowing where to look can really pay off.
This is Where I Hide my Liquor
I love Maleficent more than any other Disney character ever. There, I said it. Sorry Pocahontas, but you are boring. Thanks Aunt Eileen for this awesome mug! You know me too well.
Touch the Spindle! Touch it I say!
Every room needs a little green, illegal or otherwise. I'm having an orchid moment; recently I discovered Campbell's Greenhouse here in Charlotte, and I'm smitten. Check them out if you haven't yet – they have a great “rehab” program if your orchid is a little under the weather.
So, in sum: Cyn Kain is fabulous. So is makeup dominatrix Lindsay Regan Thorne. Interior design is fun, especially with an incredible partner in crime like Janice T. I think our surroundings, the beautiful things we choose to live with, have an enormous impact on how we think, how we feel, and are a direct reflection of who we are, and who we aspire to be.
I Aspire to Not Look Like Amanda Byrnes in Pictures
Tell me, lovers: any spaces caught your eye lately? And are you as obsessed with pinterest as I am?